Home > Alle medlemmer > Amalie vinder ungdomstrøjen i Ladies Tour of Norway

Amalie vinder ungdomstrøjen i Ladies Tour of Norway


Amalie nyder en kyssesandwich 😊 foto: Twitter

Amalie har denne weekend kørt i Norge for sit hold Boels-Dolmans. Fredag blev der kørt et gadekriterium, som for løb til Ladies Tour of Norway, her blev Amalie nr. 6.

Lørdag blev så kørt første etape, hvor Amalie blev nr. 10 og bedste unge rytter og fik dermed løbets hvide førertrøje.  På anden og sidste etape blev Amalie nr. 12 i massespurten og det lykkedes at forsvare ungdomstrøjen – selvom, at Amalie måtte arbejde som hjælperytter for holdet stjerner. Boels-Dolmans vandt første etape ved Megan Gaurnier, som også vandt samlet og holdet vandt også holdkonkurrencen. Amalie endte sammenlagt som nr. 11.


Amalie skriver på sin fan-side:

A great weekend for my team this weekend in Tour of Norway
Friday four of us did a criterium in Halden (Norway). The criterium wasn’t a part of Tour of Norway but a good way to find the ‘race legs’. My teammate Kasia got away in a four-rider breakaway that lasted to the end. Kasia got on the podium as number 3. I got number 2 in the bunch sprint and ended up as number 6.
Saturday Tour of Norway started. My teammate Megan was in a breakaway most of the day, they almost got caught, but they made it and Megan won the stage! I got in with the first group as number 10 and got the young leaders jersey (U23). It was a hard stage, going up and down all the day and ended on a tricky local lap in Halden.
Sunday was the final day, and we were ready to fight for Megan’s overall victory. We had to cover the attacks during the race, but we managed and it ended in a bunch sprint. I got number 12 on the stage. Overall I ended up as number 11 in the GC same time as number 7. That meant Megan won overall, Evelyn won the mountain competition, I won the youth competition (U23) and the team won the team classification. ☺


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